Often, the importance of understanding intellectual property comes only when a company or organization is faced with a problem or legal undertaking involving it. But just as all other essential aspects of your business, intellectual property is also a critical area that you must learn about.

Problems with such only arise due to lack of knowledge about the local laws, rules and regulations governing this legal area.

Basic Information

Intellectual property (IP) refers to the product of the mind. Just because you purchased a product, it doesn’t mean you already have all the legal rights to use it in any way you can. For instance, if you buy a painting for instance, you basically acquire the right to possess the canvass, the stretcher and the pigments or colors used, but not the right to reproduce it. The owner of that IP (the idea depicted by the painting) still belongs to the artist.

Traditionally, IP is categorized into two – copyright and industrial property. Copyright provides protection for literary artworks such as paintings, drawings, music, novels, articles, books, etc. On the other hand, industrial property covers patents, trademarks, designs, legal and industrial properties, manufactured objects, logos and symbols, menus, and similar things.

To avoid problems, consulting an intellectual property lawyer is necessary. He or she can conduct legal research, analysis and assessment of all your industrial properties to ensure that they are protected from being used, reproduced or obtained by unauthorized people.

Preserving your IP is crucial to your business and an intellectual property lawyer can help you. You really don’t want to see it being used by others to their advantage.

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