As a business or individual, then you may have assets which are usually monetary or physical. When you have these assets, you usually want to do what you can to protect them, like getting insurance for your home or making sure your cash deposits are protected by the FDIC. However, what about your non-physical assets? If you own a business, then you probably have many of these. For example, your business probably has a recognizable name and logo. While these don’t have value parse, they do contribute a lot to your company’s profits. The more recognizable your business, then the less marketing and advertising you’ll have to do and the more customers you’ll have coming through the door with little effort. These are your non-physical assets and you should protect them by registering them as your trademark, as well as hiring a trademark attorney to help you enforce your rights. When you own a trademark, that means that only you have the right to use that image as you see fit. You can use it for your place of business, for your business cards, your letterhead and even on your uniforms and vehicles. Only you will have the right to make money from these images and no one else.

An attorney can also help you in other ways, aside from just enforcing your trademarks. For example, you might want to generate revenue from your trademarks. If you have a nice and recognizable logo, you could make some cash by putting it on t-shirts or merchandise. An attorney can help you sort out the details and make sure you get the best price.

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